Education voucher

Education voucher


Educational Offer

Get training Offer package


Intervlew with Jobcenter -AfA

Submit the training offer package to the Jobcenter -AfA



Receive an Education voucher and a Fragebogen from the Jobcenter - AfA


Redeem voucher

Send us the original of the education voucher. We will assist you on filling out the provided forms


Start the course

As soon as the course begins, you will receive the necessary information from us.

Bildungsgutschein – Jobcenter Agentur für Arbeit

Educational voucher is an incentive program of the federal government in Germany. This program offers people who are unemployed or are threatened with the loss of their workplace, financial support in participating in vocational training, language courses and other educational programs.

The path to an education voucher
To get an educational voucher, you must first contact the employment agency or the job center. Our educational advisors accompany all of these processes for you. If your advisor to the Employment Agency or the job center considers you suitable for further training, you will receive a preliminary application form for the issuance of an educational voucher. The prerequisite for this is that your level of German is at least at B1/B2 level and that you have the necessary qualifications for this training.

Date and process
The last step towards receiving the educational voucher is the appointment to an interview set by the employment agency or the job center. During this conversation, the caseworker informs you in detail about the educational voucher and answers the questions about the educational program . At the end of the conversation you will receive your educational voucher.